Please use the form below before you start work, every time.
Guidelines: If you are free of symptoms, you may come to work. When you arrive at work you will be checked again with an infrared thermometer. If any employee becomes ill or presents signs of illness at work, the manager should identify the employee's condition during a pre-work screening and send the employee home.
If you show signs of illness: do not report to work. Inform your manager ASAP that you will not be coming in to work due to Covid-19 symptoms. Per existing U.S. Food and Drug Administration Food Code and Department of Public Health requirements, employees who are sick should remain home.
An employee with known or suspected COVID-19 must follow Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines to self-isolate for at least ten (10) days after symptom onset and end isolation only after symptoms have improved and the employee has been fever-free and/or symptom-free for three (3) consecutive days without medication before returning to work.
Thank you for helping us keep each other safe. It is our duty in this time to keep our health and the health of our colleagues and community as our highest priority. By continuing safe hygiene practices and maintaining social distancing outside of work, we are taking care of not only ourselves but those around us.
Again, please fill out the form below. Thank you!